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Tuesday, 1 March 2011

What's with the plumbing here?

Seriously, my university is great when it comes to helping out students and stuff but how come it can't look after its buildings properly?
Take, for example the fact that last semester a lot of students on campus were suddenly bereft of hot water (or water at all) for a couple of weeks. And the pipes near my radiator started leaking - great that would be a wet school bag and damp, smelly washing to go with the soaked floor too. Thanks.
And now, being a new semester of course the university should have some more casualties. The pipes in my room started leaking again (luckily I caught it before it had a chance to ruin my new netbook) and scarily Springfield 5 (or was it 6? Whatever) had a proper flood and had to evacuate all of its students into temporary lodging. That's 24 students struggling to move all of their stuff in one visit (they were only allowed to go back once) and then dealing with their studies whilst unpacking.
Ok, they only have to live somewhere else for two weeks, but that's still a bother. Mr. Plumber (who I've become quite good friends with thanks to all the plumbing fiascos) told me today that in Springfield 5 (/6) the roof had actually collapsed with the hot water piping spewing its contents everywhere. Nice.

So all in all:
Plumbing = 1
Chichester = 0

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