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Monday, 21 February 2011

Clash of the Titans

Nothing against Louise Leterrier or any of the writers of Clash of the Titans which came out last year, but against the actual Greek myth of Perseus the movie hardly matches up ... at least according to the Wiki plot.
Still, after watching it for the second time today I still enjoyed it and I did like their take on the CGI used. Hmm.
Another movie that annoys me is Iron Man (and Iron Man 2) as the writers seemed to have just pulled at random parts of the full story of Iron Man and included them in the movie (technically, Stark shouldn't get the funky generator thing in his heart until much later in the whole thing).
And Batman! Ugh! How can Harvey Dent/Two Face die when he's supposed to kill Dick Grayson's (the first Robin) parents and cause Richard to become adopted by Bruce in the first place? I hope that doesn't mean they won't be putting a Robin in to the Batman movies ...

Anywho, rant over.

1 comment:

  1. Not to skip over the first fatal floor in the Batman sequence, when they decided to portray Bruce Wayne having spent years in the mountains trraining...Batman was no more than a slightly insane street fighter who had money to buy lots of useful stuff.
