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Friday, 3 August 2012

Preview Event: The Sims 3 Supernatural


I was lucky enough to go play The Sims 3 Supernatural in London yesterday and asked the Sims 3 community here to give me some questions and some things to look out for.
The answers are in the order I wrote the questions down which are in the order that they were posted, FYI :)
Scroll down for info on the new CAS items and for information on Bonehilda.
So, here is what I found:

  • The Lunar Cycle doesn't really seem to have an effect at all unless it's a full moon however when it is the New Moon some SN Sims will have a 'Missing the Moon' negative moodlet.
  • You can control the types of Sims that spawn in your neighbourhood but only in a discontinuous sort of way. In the options menu you can tick/untick what you wanted. There was the option for 'Pets', 'Horses' and 'Celebrities' but they were greyed out due to missing expansions. There was only one option for Vampires which means LN vampires are really no different from SN vampires.
  • The magic mirror had interactions like 'Admire Me' and 'Chat to' and it also had 'Magical Makeover' which could pretty much make over your Sim to be all flash and handsome or put their moods right down.
  • I realised that curses were negative, and charms were positive. All of them are only temporary though.
  • There was a Velvet Lounge that looked like it was designed for the vampires and a few other community lots that looked Sim-specific.
  • The new music type was called Dark Wave.
  • The phonebooths are like teleportation pads for the Sims and are dotted around the neighbourhood much like the subway stations are in LN.
  • There is a skill for broom riding but it only builds in the arena, I think as a hidden skill. The arena had options like 'Joy Ride' and 'Do Stunts for Tips' or something similar to that. It kind of looked like a Quidditch pitch too and the broomsticks had the feet-holders like the Harry Potter broomsticks do.
  • You can now make ghosts in CAS and choose their type of death. From what I saw there were 5 new deaths: watery grave, human statue, transmuted, haunting curse and jelly bean death. Jelly bean death is just eating from the jelly bean plant and one of the jelly beans will eventually kill your Sim.
  • You can harvest honey from bees yourself. One of the new CAS hats was a bee net thing and you could buy beehives in the Buy Mode section.
  • Zombies can't really do much of anything, but if a Sim is turned into a zombie it only lasts for around 2 days then wears off again. However when it is the full moon zombies will spawn around the neighbourhood that will always be a zombie.

CAS Items

  • These are the new items for female adults in CAS: 16 tops, 11 bottoms, 7 outfits, 2 shoes, 13 hairs.
The tops mostly were just to suit certain species, like ripped up tops for zombies and majestic-looking ones for vampires. There were some normal looking tops in it though. There was only two new shoes; a boot like one and a dolly shoes type one. The hairs were all quite short or quite voluminous.
  • Items for male adults: 17 tops, 9 bottoms, 1 outift, 1 shoe, 11 hairs. The hairs for males were quite short and there was one hairstyle that looked awfully like a famous vampire in popular culture these days ...


  • Bonehilda can be bought in Buy Mode via her coffin.
  • The only interactions she had were 'Chat' and 'Dismiss'
  • When a Sim interacts with her she did not show up in the relationship panel.

Other Info

  • When a fairy walks she walks like a normal Sim and but when set to 'Run' she will fly instead. The wings don't move at a faster rate though.
  • Moonlight Falls had no past pre-made Sim families that I recognised but it did have a family of ghosts from the Goth family. There was a zombie who popped up on my lot that was also a fairy called 'Oberon Summerdream' though.
  • I thought there were quite a few references to media figures. Bewitched, Twilight, Toy Story, Sabrina and Being Human being some of them.
All in all I'd say this expansion pack is a lot of fun and worth the money.

If you have any more questions feel free to ask here or on the forum topic.

Thanks for reading!